Thursday, April 21, 2011

Hi everyone,

I am finally back on my blogger! Sorry this has been my first blog since the beginning of the year, but I have had trouble logging in due to security reasons but eventually made it. I wrote on facebook the other week to try and keep you updated with recent news so hopefully you saw that. I read my blog from January and it seems so long ago now since we were getting ready to tour, the last few months have really flown by, I cannot believe May is around the corner....

As you probably already know from my facebook and twitter last week I went away for a short break with Joe. It was so good to get away for a bit and we went to Pisa in Italy, which is so beautiful and I recommend to all of you if you have not been. I love going to places with so much history and cities where there is so much to see, so you can be a real tourist! I took some fun photos which you probably saw on twitter, but just incase here are a few more:-

Holding up the tower of Pisa! It was quite heavy :0)

We also took a day trip to Florence, which is a stunning place:-

Those are a few of my holiday snaps... You also probably saw Joe announce on twitter that he has a part in a new film. I am so happy and excited for him!

I hoped by now that I would also be able to tell you some exciting news about recent projects I have been working on, but you will have to wait a little bit longer. I will tell you about them as soon as I can so watch this space!

I mentioned on facebook just before I went away, that the most recent Aviva advert is now on TV staring Paul Whitehouse. I also did the choreography for this one, here is a picture of Paul and I on set!

I met up with the lovely Robin Windsor yesterday for a catch up. He has been sunning himself and partying in Miami! so it was good to meet up. We went to the cinema as well to see The Source Code. Its a really interesting film, and not my usual type but I really enjoyed it as I have not seen any good films at the cinema recently! Robin and I have some shows coming up. A few people have been asking if we have any in London, but all confirmed shows will be on my website as soon as they are confirmed. I would love to do some in London, but we will keep you updated as much as we can.

Well I hope everyone is enjoying this amazing weather at the moment. I know we have a long Easter weekend ahead so I hope the sun keeps shining. I think I will be in London over the weekend, and Joe is back on Sunday so we will be cooking a big Easter meal for some friends and family. I think I will head to Wales the following weekend for the Royal Wedding, as I imagine London will be very busy. I am really excited to watch it and see a piece of history. I am sure it will be a gorgeous and very memorable wedding! Good luck to William and Kate!

I had better sign off, as I have a few things to do before going out this evening. Have a great Easter everyone and enjoy all the chocolate!
All my love,
Kristina xx

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